Moon Sign Astrology
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Lunar Living's USA Timezone Converter

Calculator for North American Time Zones from GMT/UT

Select the Hour and Minutes of GMT and Click "Adjust Time"
Enter GMT/UTC Time HERE : Hour:Min
Adjusted Times by Time Zone will display below.
-03: WGT/ADT -04: AST/EDT
-05: EST/CDT -06: CST/MDT
-07: MST/PDT -08: PST/YkDT
-09: YkST -10: HST
W. Greenland / Atlantic / Eastern / Central / Mountain / Pacific / Yukon / Hawai'i

Clicking on your browser's Reload/Refresh button will update the time.

Check the Time in other Locations
For standard time only!

This page was developed to help individuals who are interested in astrology convert the correct time for their time zone from Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The majority of this site's guests come from North America hence the top table was developed for people located in the Americas to adjust the time for the astrological events based on the GMT or UTC.

There are many sites online that provide time zone information. A search engine can help you find your correct time zone information if you are not in the United States.