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2024 June Solstice
June 20, 2024 Sept. 22, 2024
The Solstice of June is ready to make some big changes as the Sun is reaching its high declination peak in the northern hemisphere. The chart of the season can tell us a lot about what to expect for the next three months. This will be the longest day of the year for those who live north of the equator, and the shortest for those living south of the equator.
There is a stellium of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the sign of Cancer. This helps to provide a good foundation for the season highlighting family and a desire to protect our most emotional insecurities. The Sun is forming an inconjunction to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. We are likely to push back on others who want to tell us what to do and what choices to make. While it can't hurt to at least listen to these ideas, the ultimate choice is still ours to make. We need to be willing to accept any responsibility and the consequences of the decisions we are making. But, for the most part, we are feeling more at home with the options and less stress from the ultimate decisions. Just remember that there is still a mystery to the actual outcomes, especially considering that there is an out of sign square to Neptune on the Anaretic degree of Pisces. We are being expected to think of all potential outcomes, without a full picture of them. Neptune is tricky that way, causing us to think we have a full understanding, when in fact, there are so many different potential repercussions that we could never factor them all in, even if we tried. Then Neptune drops into retrograde motion on the 2nd of July, the messages become even more confusing for the remainder of the season.
Mercury and Venus are forming a sextile to Mars in Taurus. We are quick to make decisions but there's still a need for caution even if we are feeling confident. Some of our relationships are heating up with some serious interpersonal chemistry. Even of there are not any new relationships budding at the moment, we can rely on and expand on our natural talents to help us pick up a little extra income, or divest in different ways without impacting our personal needs.
The Moon in Sagittarius is heading into an opposition with the Sun but won't quite be there for a couple more days. For this chart, the Moon is forming a square to Saturn in Pisces. We are likely to reflect on the memories of our upbringing and how that impacts what we have become. Remembering that we have behaviors that are tied to that, but we have the ability to change those behaviors if the actions and choices we are making is having a negative consequence on our daily emotions. Saturn is great at helping us to create a new foundation for ourselves. The key is to reflect on the difference between our wants and our needs. Reach out for help, if needed, to help find solutions that are in our own best interests.
Jupiter in Gemini is forming a trine to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, giving us some added awareness on ways to diversify and change, as needed. If we focus on ourselves, on our personal truth, for the next few months, we are likely to find more outlets for ourselves in ways that give us more energy and more options, in the long run.
For the next three months, our strength will lie in our ability view our situations with a fresh perspective. We may become more resilient as long as we focus on making ourselves healthier, emotionally and physically. Now that does not mean we need to have tunnel vision in that area, but we can't continue to push our personal needs to the side without some form of consequence. The focus in this chart is on finding our inner strengths, factoring in that there are five Water Element placements in this chart. We will get the most done through flexibility and working hardest with our known abilities while, at the same time, working to make some of our weaknesses stronger, through practice. Don't be afraid to explore some options that haven't been considered before. Options can be assessed without feeling like we have to make a decision right away.
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