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Lunar Living Astrology

Sagittarius Full Moon

May 23, 2024


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Full Moon
in: Sagittarius 2°
May 23, 2024 @ 01:54 pm GMT
May 23, 2024 @ 06:54 am PDT -7
Sun is Gemini, 2° 55'
Moon is Sagittarius, 2° 55'

This Sagittarius full moon is also called the Flower Moon. The full moon is likely to feel quite emotionally complex, as we navigate through all the interconnected aspects. Let's start with the basic opposition from the Sun to the Moon. The Sun in Gemini typically highlights communication, sibling interactions, and short travel, typically by car, bike, animals, or even walking. Gemini produces a nervous energy that we associate with anxiety, fidgeting, and unconventional coping mechanisms. The Moon, in Sagittarius, taps into our spiritual and educational emotional wellbeing. We are, at some level, restless in our desires to learn more about other cultures, belief systems, and ideas that we may never have considered. We may worry less about the challenges as they are presented, and focus more on finding solutions.

The Sun and Moon are forming an in-sign trine and sextile (Wedge) to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Let's focus on this one next, since these are the only connections that will improve the full moon's influences without too much confusion. Pluto's connection to the Sun and Moon provides us with a layer of resilience, if we choose to change out of the old behaviors that are no longer useful. If we can let go of the fear of change, we will be rewarded with new approaches to situations that have been holding us back.

The Sun is conjunct with Venus and Jupiter on the Anaretic degree of Taurus. These are out of sign conjunctions that are less than helpful until Venus and Jupiter move into Gemini. Venus will move into Gemini about 6 hours after the peak of the full moon, but Jupiter won't move into Gemini for a few more days. The Anaretic degree transit is always intense, as the influence of the planets feels more like pressure, or squeezed, to accomplish as much as possible before the planet leaves a sign. While, normally, a conjunction involving Venus and Jupiter should be giving us an extra boost to our spirits, we are not likely to get that boost in the normal way. Since Venus and Jupiter are also forming out of sign aspects to the Moon, and Pluto retrograde, we are likely to feel confused as to how to deal with the messages being conveyed during this full moon. Don't be surprised if there are a few meltdowns, despite these being, typically, proactive aspects.

The other planetary aspect that's settled in the Anaretic degrees is Neptune in Pisces. This placement, for all intents and purposes, creates the base of a Cradle pattern, although, similar to Jupiter and Venus, is out of sign, relative to the full moon. Tapping into our creative side, we can make better use of the Neptune placement by exploring outlets for any pent up frustrations. We will need to rely on our intuition rather than trying to respond with logic, at least for today.

Normally, the Cradle pattern brings inspiration and levels of gender based influence determined by the Receptive that gets the most focus, Masculine or Feminine. In this case, the planets are, for the most part, distributed over both; three planets in Masculine and three planets in Feminine. This, as mentioned early, is likely to cause confusion since we won't have the typical Cradle influence.

Pluto is the only planet transiting retrograde today, but that's certainly not a negative, as the retrograde has a tendency to soften the Pluto challenge to return us to the "underworld."

This full moon will be softer on us, on some levels, than the last full moon. There is more of a balance within the Receptive placements, with only six in the Feminine signs, helping us to find our footing more readily. The Earth sign placements are the four planets in Taurus, with two of them being located in the Anaretic degree, and essentially, on their way out the door, moving into Gemini very soon. There are two placements in each of the other Elements. There is only one planet (Aries Mars) in a Cardinal sign for the Quality placements, with five in the Fixed and four in the Mutable, which actually works to our advantage. We are less likely to force (or wedge) ourselves into a situation that we can't handle. We adapt as necessary, and can hold our concentration for more than a nanosecond. What we may lack is the ability to move forward or react quickly, if confronted with adversity.

Meditation for the May 23rd Full Moon
Fingerprints and snowflakes are not the only things unique.

© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)

1) Goldschneider, G.  1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.

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