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Lunar Living Astrology

Aquarius Full Moon

August 19, 2024


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Image Copyright Gary Syrba - full moon blue tint
Full Moon
in: Aquarius 27°
August 19, 2024 @ 06:25 pm GMT
August 19, 2024 @ 11:25 am PDT -7
Sun is Leo, 27° 15'
Moon is Aquarius, 27° 15'

This full moon in the sign of Aquarius, is likely to push a few buttons. This Sturgeon Moon in August is also a seasonal blue moon. This occurs about once every three years where there are four, instead of three full moons within a season. A lot of websites are claiming that this is also a super full moon. That's not quite accurate. It's close to being a super moon, but the actual definitive super moon distance is not there. Next month, there will be a super full moon. Some folks are just excited to call this a super blue moon. [wink wink] And no, the moon will not be blue. It will be the same color it always is during this time of the year.

The conjunction of Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Leo opposite the Moon in Aquarius is forming a t-square to Uranus in Taurus. This is likely to trip us up in the areas of home security, social networks, and self-expression or romance. Adding in the inconjunct aspect between the Sun and Leo and Neptune retrograde in Pisces on the anaretic degree. There could be a lot of confusion or even the possibility of some emotional trauma associated with events of the day. We may need to rise to a different level in order to navigate through the events. The events may not necessarily impact us directly, but may require that we be a support system for someone close to us in order to help them through some form of tragedy.

Another t-square is formed between Venus in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. Our interactions within work and co-workers, siblings or communications, and mental health or large institutions are likely to bring us some distress, as well. We may need to rely on our own intuition to safely get through this one.

Mercury's retrograde began August 5 in the sign of Virgo and will finish up on August 28 in the sign of Leo. On August 16, Mercury re-entered Leo, shifting back into re-evaluations of romantic encounters, children's activities, our personal talents and skills, as well as risk taking actions. Today's full moon will highlight all of these, at some level. Until Mercury stations direct on August 28, we should proceed carefully with legal or contract proceedings, as the wording of these transactions could easily trick us into something we really don't want or need.

Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is trine to Uranus in Taurus. This is an "out of sign" trine, reducing some of its strength, but we may still find some benefits. This slow moving transit is changing our perspectives. In time, it will become more clear. If we won't take the time to learn more about the changes, we will not be prepared for the outcomes that will become more obvious in 2025. Don't worry, we are going to encounter several more of these trines over the next few years. Each will likely bring in new messages to build upon the prior Uranus and Pluto trines.

There are some strength building components within this full moon. There are six planetary placements in the masculine receptives, indicating that we are capable of taking on challenges that we may have avoided in the past. There are four planets in the Air element, giving us some flexibility to change direction as needed, although there are no Cardinal sign placements, with five planets in each of the other qualities, Fixed and Mutable signs. This can give us persistence and adaptability at the same time, but we may lack the desire to confront situations. We may feel as though we are worn down by our opponents, for the moment. We need to take the time to assess which direction our focus should be sent. We should not hide from urgent needs, but we need to determine how much energy to put into these moments. When the event is obvious, we need to follow through. When the event is ambiguous, we need to take the time needed to assess the scenario.

Meditation for the August 19th Full Moon
When a child is hungry, it must be fed.

© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)

1) Goldschneider, G.  1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.

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