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Taurus New Moon

May 8, 2024


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Image Copyright Lunar Living Taurus New Moon
New Moon
in: Taurus 18°
May 8, 2024 @ 03:22 am GMT
May 7, 2024 @ 08:22 pm PDT -7
Sun is Taurus, 18° 02'
Moon is Taurus, 18° 02'

This new moon in Taurus brings some interesting influences due to the conjunction/stellium to Uranus and Jupiter. Add in the fact that the eclipses of last month have set us on a new path. Our urge is to find pleasure within our possessions, or at some level, seek comfort. We may be tripping over old memories, or creating new memories that won't be sorted out for quite some time. Jupiter's involvement through the conjunction to Uranus, has the potential of expanding on our emotions to the point of blowing circumstances out of proportion. Certainly not a good time to start an argument or point out someone's flaws, at least, based on our own point of view. Repercussions will be lasting. The new moon's sextile to Saturn in Pisces is pushing on us to improve our patience, or at the very least, practice some of our empathy skills.

Mercury in Aries, is working on catching up after the Retrograde motion most of last month. We might be reaching conclusions too quickly and failing to take the time to evaluate situations, especially while Mercury is transiting through the third decan of Aries. Try not to equate speed with accuracy. We'll gain a different perspective on the situation when Mercury moves into Taurus on the 15th of May.

Although the planet of Venus is not forming a conjunction with the new moon, it is also in Taurus adding its own subtle traits today. Venus is right at home in Taurus, influencing our natural talents, our financial inclinations, and our own sense of comfort and security within our homes. While Venus can add to our desire to "keep up with the neighbor," it can also cause us to withdraw from making good decisions, out of fears that come out to haunt us in our everyday encounters close to home. Venus has the ability to tap into our instinctual survival mode. Finding ways to make that work in a productive manner, rather than allowing it to accelerate our trauma mode, can actually result in building new coping skills.

Mars is another planet feeling right at home. Mars rules and is transiting in Aries, giving us drive and motivation to explore new ideas; at least new ideas for ourselves. Mars is sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. The positives of this aspect is our ability to see deception more clearly. Use it wisely. Using the resonance of Mars in Aries as a motivator for controlling someone, may backfire in unexpected ways.

Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus occurs, approximately, once every 13 years, and it can create great joy, or severe disappointment. Jupiter's natural expansion trait has the potential to give us more than anticipated. This conjunction, while in Taurus, can bring about sudden shifts of our material wealth, or distort our desires for comfort and safety. It does not necessarily equate into providing us what we think we need. A lot like the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want," it can force us into re-evaluating our situations by giving us too much of a circumstance, or a sudden shift of awareness. We may have been assuming that our opinion or circumstance would always be a certain way. Uranus and Jupiter, together, may change all that. Survival and comfort are uniquely commingled on a common plane. We learn about this, more clearly, when Jupiter and Uranus join up in Taurus. For some relevance of the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, in the sign of Taurus, look back to history in May, 1941 or May, 1858. These periods were the last times that Taurus hosted the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction. The next Jupiter and Uranus conjunction will occur in September, 2037, in the sign of Cancer.

Jupiter is forming a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Our intuition may be flawed, at the moment. Neptune in Pisces, can present an unrealistic perspective, that we want to believe is true. The more others try to convince us that we are mistaken, the more entrenched we become in our beliefs. Our unrealistic beliefs may be due to our fears and feeling we are losing control. We want to blame others for this feeling. Ah, the nature of Neptune's transit in Pisces can be a long, and difficult one to navigate without a few stumbles along the way. Jupiter's sextile to Neptune has the potential to pull us deeper into the confusion, or, ironically, can help lift us out.

Saturn's transit in Pisces tends to push us back into the past. We feel that we want something in our lives to return to how we believed was better, from our earlier experiences in life. We may be re-living a false memory, and thinking that if we returned to that, life would, somehow, be better. This can really mess with our daily life as we are being unrealistic with our current situation. Today's degree of Saturn is a critical degree, accentuating our feelings and our past experiences. Finding ways to let the past fade while pushing ourselves into finding the positives within the current challenges, will help find more productive solutions to our circumstances. Saturn's sextile to Uranus in Taurus can give us a sudden jolt of reality. Interestingly, it has the potential to open up new opportunities.

One last note, Neptune is riding on the cusp of Aries, but will not move into Aries, before stationing retrograde in July. This final degree of the Pisces sign, the anaretic degree, can push on us extremely hard. We may feel a sense of urgency to "fix," or let go, or take control of something which we cannot.

This new moon in Taurus is likely to cause us to feel stuck while, at the same time, urge us to change our perspective. There are more placements in feminine receptive signs, which can play right into the Taurus characteristics of this new moon. We feel as though we need to find new outlets, yet finding them might feel impossible. In all honesty, this chart has too many placements in three sequential signs, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus, with Pluto setting alone in Aquarius. During this new moon in Taurus, we feel like we are lacking valid options. Instead of making changes, we might be better served to evaluate our options without making any commitments, quite yet.

Meditation for the May 8th New Moon
Nothing is by chance - everything happens because it has to.

© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)

1) Goldschneider, G.  1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.

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