Lunar Living AstrologyVirgo New MoonSeptember 3, 2024 |
New Moon
in: Virgo 11° September 3, 2024 @ 01:54 am GMT September 2, 2024 @ 06:54 pm PDT -7
Sun is Virgo, 11° 04'
Moon is Virgo, 11° 04' This new moon in Virgo could help us to get reorganized as we head into the next season. We tend to be more aware of events occurring around us. There are subtle changes going on, and if we don't pay attention, we may lose out on great opportunities. Some of our priorities this new moon are likely to involve our health, our working environment or co-workers, our thoughts, and our perspectives about those thoughts. One important note... keep those opinions and suggestions to ourselves, as honestly, unless asked, no one wants them. Mercury's retrograde is all done but is still in Leo heading back towards Virgo. We can use this regrouping period to explore situations. We may not want to believe what we are seeing, but now is the time to truly look deeper. The facts will be mixed with the false, so if we don't take the time to seek the truth, we may miss the real story. Mercury is sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, which helps us to quickly research. Be careful not to take on too much information, as we may become more confused than when we started. Mercury is square to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This one is not quite so helpful. We may experience sudden shifts in opinions, without being able to place logic behind that shift. Venus in Libra is comfortably at home now, basking in social harmony and honing our natural talents. There are no major aspects to Venus at this time, so we are not likely to feel any stress or perks in that regard. Mars in the latter degrees of Gemini is square to Neptune retrograde on the anaretic degree of Pisces. This is a tense aspect, to begin with, and adding in the anaretic degree is likely to cause us to feel more confused than usual. Dreams are likely to feel like nightmares as we sort through all the tensions Mars and Neptune are causing. Additionally, Mars is inconjunct (quincunx) with Pluto retrograde that has just now moved back into Capricorn. This could undermine our mental health today. Finding relief may come in the form of connecting with those who can provide emotional support without belittling our fears. Jupiter in Gemini is square to Saturn retrograde in Pisces. We may feel like we are working harder than usual, and getting little in return. To help get around these feelings, we should explore ideas that we don't normally consider to be in our wheelhouse. It doesn't need to be too complex. Try strumming a guitar or learn some computer language that has felt beyond our "ability" but we have had a desire to learn. This helps Saturn's placement contribute to the foundation of learning, while Jupiter expands the new skills gained in the process. Uranus recently, September 1st, stationed retrograde in Taurus, and Pluto's recent retrograde return, September 2nd, to Capricorn has turned into an "in sign" trine that has a better potential of providing shifts in our lives for little improvements. Now is a good time to acknowledge the improvements so that they become more entrenched in our outlook on life. Uranus is connected to Neptune retrograde in Pisces via sextile. Situations that may not be clear to us at the moment, are likely to turn into opportunities for us in the near future. Sorting through the messages may feel messy in the moment, today. Take notes or create journals. We need to have some way to remember what we were working through when the time comes to make sense of today's confusion. The layout of this chart helps us to get our feet back under ourselves but, we are heading into another Eclipse Season! In two weeks, we will have a Lunar Eclipse that will also be a super moon in Pisces occurring a few days before the Equinox. Then the second day of October will be the Solar Eclipse in Libra. We should start to feel the eclipse messages from now until the end of October. Another good reason to journal our eclipse journey to help us take advantage of the changes we are likely to experience. During this new moon, there are five Masculine and five Feminine receptive placements, giving us the ability to explore both our hidden and obvious needs. There is only one planet placed in a Fire element sign with four in Air, three in Earth and two in Water. Not too unbalanced, but leaning a bit more into the Air element gives us some things to think about, rather than just feeling them. Where we are most likely to feel lopsided is in the qualities department. One planet in a Cardinal sign but six in the Mutable signs, possibly causing us to flip flop in our decisions. The best way to use this influence is to remain silent about our sudden changes of position, choosing to not take a stance until we have a few days to reflect. Now is a great time to be a listener, rather than an opinionator. Meditation for the September 3rd New Moon
Hear what others say to you, but remain in tune with your own inner voice.
© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)
1) Goldschneider, G. 1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.
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