Lunar Living AstrologyScorpio New MoonNovember 1, 2024 |
New Moon
in: Scorpio 9° November 1, 2024 @ 12:46 pm GMT November 1, 2024 @ 05:46 am PDT -7
Sun is Scorpio, 9° 36'
Moon is Scorpio, 9° 36' The new moon in Scorpio has some interesting aspects that we can use to our advantage. Knowing how to use them will be the challenge. The new moon is trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces. We should be aware of the Scorpio influence in that we are inclined to have some really strong emotions to deal with. Every planet will be sending us a message with today's new moon. The Scorpio traits feel so much more significant at this time of the year, with the spookiness of Halloween, the emotional connections with those we have lost from our lives tied into All Saints Day or All Hallows Day, and the Mexican festivities of the Day of the Dead. The ties to the "other worlds" or the spirit world, that we carry with us every day, become very substantial at this time of the year. Indirectly, the Jupiter retrograde in Gemini opposing Venus in Sagittarius, is square to Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Collectively, we are likely to struggle to adjust to situations that seem out of our control. Finding ways to cope with anxiety will be useful during this new moon. This new moon holds all the cards for making a change for the better. There are five points of a grand sextile with all the focus being led by Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The three generational planets, Pluto and Uranus are contributing, as well, but can we trust the decisions that we make in our quest for a life-changing project. Granted, this does not mean we will make a sudden change. Instead it is likely to be a small, incremental series of changes that play out in slow motion over the next month. Thankfully, we get an astrological roadmap. Take note of the following dates as the Moon will move over each point until it finalizes the sixth point on November 22. We are likely to notice the shifts becoming more obvious on November 2, 7, 9, 15, and 20. On November 22, the moon will move over the imaginary sixth point to complete the grand sextile. Utilizing this schedule can be the start to change that we most likely have needed to initiate since the Lunar eclipse of September, but didn't have the focal points that we have now. This new moon chart is set up in a way that encourages us to do some internal work. This is not considered to be a "team effort" of change, as we should not be trying to change how others interact with us, but a change in how we interact with them. A change within our own control, which is not as easy as it sounds. There is only one Fire Element and only one Air Element in this chart. There are two Earth Elements, and the rest are Water Elements. Yes, this is about inward changes that we need to address in order to feel better about ourselves. Exploring our past, without getting stuck there will be the most difficult factor of utilizing this new moon. Meditation for the November 1st New Moon
The stillest part of the hurricane is its center.
© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)
1) Goldschneider, G. 1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.
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