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Libra Solar Eclipse

October 14, 2023


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Image Copyright Unknown - Oct 14, 2023 Eclipse Map
Solar Eclipse
in: Libra 21°
October 14, 2023 @ 05:56 pm GMT
October 14, 2023 @ 10:56 am PDT -7
Sun is Libra, 21° 08'
Moon is Libra, 21° 08'

This new moon is an Annular (Ring of Fire) solar eclipse that will be moving over the Western half of the United States, starting in Oregon, through Texas, then moves down through Mexico, Central America and South America before it is done. This eclipse belongs to the Solar Saros Series 134 that originated in the south on June 29, 1248 (Gregorian calendar). The eclipse is from the S7 Nodal Family. The energy that this eclipse brings springs from Cancer, seven degrees, ruled by the Moon with a hint of Mercury from the third duad. There is a blending of emotional with intellectual sensations as we experience the day. If you are near the areas of the eclipse, be certain to use the correct eye wear (not sunglasses) to protect your vision.

Today, the Sun and Moon are joining up in Libra, encouraging us to find peace and common ground. Libra is ruled over by Venus, and while there may be a hint of finance significance today, the bigger picture is about finding a spirit of community, bonding for a common cause, and equality. The eclipse is conjunct with Mercury, adding to our ability to intellectually navigate the day. The eclipse is also forming an inconjunct (quincunx) to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This has the potential to startle us into reality, especially if we have been avoiding facts or believing in "half-truths" that have only been confirming a bias up to this point. Reality has a way of sneaking up from behind. What we do with the facts will indicate whether we find the peace we are seeking.

Venus is still behind the Sun, in Virgo while forming a sextile to Mars in Scorpio, and opposing Saturn retrograde in Pisces. We may try to appear cool, calm, and collected, but underneath, we are sorting through a whole plethora of feelings. Depending on our situation, we may be feeling jealous, or possessive, or hangry, while trying to feed our frustrations with food. Coming to terms with these feelings, or, at least, exploring the root causes, can help us move through the day with a better sense of balance.

Mars just moved into Scorpio, which is one of the signs that Mars (along with Pluto) rules over. So the Mars influence here is much stronger, adding to our desires to conquer our fears. We tend to be more passionate when Mars moves through Scorpio, but we may not have much patience for others who don't/won't see our mission on our own terms. Mars is trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces and square to Pluto in Capricorn. Now is not the best time to melt into temper tantrums. We have more important objectives. The key is to use that frustration to motivate us into a more positive action. Let that influence guide our objective to make life better for ourselves rather than for revenge. The intrinsic nature of Mars, in Scorpio, has the ability to "detach" for the greater good.

Neptune retrograde is still sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This is the influence that just keeps pushing us to change our perspectives. We want to cling to old beliefs, yet these three planets are advising us that we are going to be left behind (and angry about it) if we don't step out of the past, and into the present.

Did you note that Pluto is no long retrograde? Pluto stationed direct on October 11. Pluto will continue to move through the last degrees of Capricorn throughout the remainder of 2023, and is moving back in Aquarius on January 20, 2024.

Overall, the solar eclipse is likely to throw us a few misdirects so we need to be aware of our own strengths in order to move in the most positive means possible. There are seven placements in the Feminine Receptives meaning that we will be better served by trusting our instincts and not putting too much faith into others. There are not placements in the Fire Element, so our drive and optimism may fall by the wayside. Not that we can't hold hope in the forefront, but that we should not expect to have the experiences that we are yearning. Hope needs to be teased apart from expectations. However, there is a great balance of planet placements in the Qualities (Modal) sectors, and this is excellent, because it does give us a better outlook and perspective, despite all that is happening around us. Tap into that selected balance of energy to make the best use of our determination for today. The overall changes that this eclipse brings may not be made clear until after the lunar eclipse in two weeks.

Have you noticed the past few weeks that people are saying that the next lunar eclipse will be a Blood Full Moon or Full Blood Moon? It is not clear what they are truly meaning, unless it is simply for the spooky Halloween affect. The next lunar eclipse will be a partial eclipse, and unless there are going to be some strange atmospheric phenomenon, the moon will not turn red or copper which is only caused by lighting from a total eclipse. During most partial lunar eclipses, the moon will grow a little dimmer, a little darker, but certainly not reddish, which is the typical definition of total lunar eclipse being called a blood moon. This is just a heads up for everyone so that you aren't disappointed when watching the moon, waiting for the blood to start dripping from the sky!

Meditation for the October 14th Solar Eclipse
See first what is directly before you.

© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2023 (All Rights Reserved)

1) Goldschneider, G.  1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.

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