The approximate guide for your rising sign based on the time of day and your sun sign. All the times are based on Standard Time. This list is not precise because several factors can influence the rising sign. Were you born during Daylight Savings or War Time? You should subtract one (-1) hour from your birth time for the Standard Time. If you feel that the rising sign shown does not fit, you might try the sign before or the sign after the rising sign shown for your time of birth. Only a quality natal chart will confirm your actual rising sign.
How to use this guide:
1) Find the column that covers your time of birth in the top row of the morning or evening table.
2) Find your Sun Sign in the first (left) column of that table.
3) Match your Sun Sign row with your birth time column.
i.e. Cancer Sun Sign born at 10:30 a.m Standard Time = Libra Rising; Cancer Sun Sign born at 10:30 a.m Daylight Savings Time = Virgo Rising
If you know your time of birth, the chart maker can cast the chart for you with the Ascendant/Rising Sign. Then you can come back and check to see how close this was. Location, location, location is a large determining factor.