The moon is probably the most misunderstood "non-planet" in astrology. For example, while the Sun may take a whole month to transit (navigate) through a zodiac sign, the moon can (and will) do it in less than three days. More people know their sun sign than know their moon sign. Like the phrase sun sign, the phrase moon sign is a shortened term that is intended to describe the sign of the zodiac that the moon was transiting through at any given time on any given day. Lunar Astrology/Moon Astrology It is much easier to say 'moon sign' than to say the "sign of the zodiac that the moon is (or was) transiting through."
Today's Moon Sign
5° Sagittarius 11' 25% of Full Last quarter Moon is Void of Course |
Moon Signs: The Emotions of You
The moon rules over our emotional state of being throughout the day (and night). While there are multiple factors to how we will react while the moon transits through a sign; there are some basic energies that can be associated with each sign that the moon passes (transits) through. This article attempts to briefly highlight some of the possibilities of the moon sign energies. Scroll down through the page to get a better sense of each moon sign's influence as well as the moon phases at the bottom of the page.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
New Moon | First Quarter | Second Quarter | Full Moon | Third Quarter | Fourth Quarter
The Moon Signs
The Moon Sign of Aries
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Fiery
Quality * Cardinal - Initiating Change
Garden Traits * Dry & Barren
Situations can unfold quickly, needing quick attention or dissipate rapidly during an Aries moon. Energies tend to be aggressive and/or assertive. Patience may not be an easy "virtue" to maintain. Use this time to establish change and initiate new projects. Use caution when attempting to use extreme force or excessive speed.
The Moon Sign of Taurus
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Earthy
Quality * Fixed - Persistence
Garden Traits * Productive & Damp
Situations may feel most comfortable when there's a routine or sense of habit involved during a Taurus moon. Change is less forthcoming now, but it can be a good time to seek out new financial resources. Personal property tends to hold higher value now. Use caution when assessing situations. We tend to avoid change out of fear rather than logic.
The Moon Sign of Gemini
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Airy
Quality * Mutable - Adapting
Garden Traits * Non-bearing & Dry
Situations involving planning, such as parties and other social events are favored during a Gemini moon. Learning new skills feels more natural as well as talking to our neighbors to work out solutions. We are much more willing to change behaviors now. Use caution when situations require extreme focus. We are more likely to injure our hands and arms.
The Moon Sign of Cancer
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Watery
Quality * Cardinal - Initiating Change
Garden Traits * Fruitful & Damp
Situations involving family and home are favored during a Cancer moon. There's a desire to support others and feel reciprocal support. We are inclined to be understanding and encourage productive behaviors of others. Empathy and nurturing feel important. Use caution in regards to indulging in self-protecting activities such as over-eating or drinking.
The Moon Sign of Leo
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Fiery
Quality * Fixed - Persistence
Garden Traits * Dry & Barren
Situations involving a sense of risk or romance are highlighted during a Leo moon. It's an excellent time for exploring our creative side. There's no shortage of showmanship or confidence when the moon is in the sign of Leo. Use caution in areas involving un-researched risk-taking. The desire to have it all and have it now can bring devastating repercussions.
The Moon Sign of Virgo
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Earthy
Quality * Mutable - Adapting
Garden Traits * Moist & Barren
Situations involving value, precision and health are common during a Virgo moon. We may be drawn to activities involving animals or gardening. Another feature of the Virgo moon is our desire to clear the air, clear the deck or clear the closet. Use caution in trying to evaluate others. It may come across as demeaning.
The Moon Sign of Libra
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Airy
Quality * Cardinal - Initiating Change
Garden Traits * Moist & Semi-fruitful
Situations involving partners, agreements or symmetry are enhanced during a Libra moon. We are likely to be drawn into activities involving teamwork. We may also try to keep the peace when events become stressful. Use caution when negotiating conflicts to avoid being blamed for the outcome. Pay attention to issues involving the spine and lower back.
The Moon Sign of Scorpio
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Watery
Quality * Fixed - Persistence
Garden Traits * Fruitful & Damp
Situations involving relatives, finances and intuition can be intensified during a Scorpio moon. We tend to be better with researching, solving and making decisions. Confidence and commitment will feel more natural. Use caution when exploring the emotional taboos that we seem easily drawn to when the moon moves through Scorpio. We do not possess the level of control over our obsessions that we would like to have.
The Moon Sign of Sagittarius
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Fiery
Quality * Mutable - Adapting
Garden Traits * Non-bearing & Dry
Situations involving theory, philosophy and religion are highlighted during a Sagittarius moon. We tend to seek out more diversity and adventure. Comments of honesty and candor are likely to bubble up easily. Use caution when planning new projects or changing behaviors as we may be overly optimistic or simply unrealistic.
The Moon Sign of Capricorn
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Earthy
Quality * Cardinal - Initiating Change
Garden Traits * Productive & Dry
Situations involving self-discipline, organizing and business are featured during a Capricorn moon. We tend to have an innate ability to see the minutia within the chaos. Our business sense is stronger now. Use caution when expecting others to come to the rescue. There is not a lot of compassion expressed when the moon transits Capricorn.
The Moon Sign of Aquarius
Receptive * Masculine - Extroverted
Element * Airy
Quality * Fixed - Persistence
Garden Traits * Dry & Barren
Situations involving social-networking and humanitarian issues are more common during an Aquarius moon. We tend to seek out others who think and act like ourselves. There is a sense of detached enthusiasm where unexpected outcome and shock appeal clash in a harmonic dissonance. Use caution in situations requiring detailed instruction from others. Self-directed activities tend to have a better result.
The Moon Sign of Pisces
Receptive * Feminine - Introverted
Element * Watery
Quality * Mutable - Adapting
Garden Traits * Moist & Fruitful
Situations involving personal release, transition and empathy are emphasized during a Pisces moon. We tend to seek out solace for renewal and regeneration. Our sense of imagination and intuition may increase. Use caution when helping others in stressful situations. We have a tendency to take on more than we can emotionally or physically handle while the moon transits Pisces.
The Meanings in the Moon Phases
New Moon
The new moon initiates the first quarter moon phase. During the new moon, we are ripe for new opportunities and new beginnings. Each new moon and its moon sign is discussed in Lunar Living's articles section. Recent New Moon articles
Waxing Crescent/First Quarter
The first quarter phase of the moon is a period of creation. There's a natural sense of budding new ideas, cultivating activities and sprouting new energies.
Waxing Gibbous/Second Quarter
The second quarter phase of the moon is a period of accepting responsibility for the concepts we initiated. Now we begin to plan, strategize and mold the concepts for a gainful result.
Full Moon
The full moon is a period of mastery and completion of the new moon's concepts. The full moon begins the third quarter phase. We can now step back and assess what was completed between the initiation of the new moon and the finalization of the full moon. Each full moon and its moon sign is discussed in Lunar Living's articles section. Recent Full Moon articles
Waning Gibbous/Third Quarter
The third quarter phase of the moon is a period of acknowledging the results that culminated with the full moon. Now we can look at how we could have done it differently or assess what needs to be changed, tweaked or thrown out.
Waning Crescent/Fourth Quarter
The fourth quarter phase of the moon is a period of adjustment. As we head back into the darkness of the new moon, we can look inward to release the aspects of our creation that are no longer needed or were not productive to the original idea. It is a time of reflection and restructuring.
Disclaimer!!! This article is written more for the beginner to astrology. The piece does not incorporate the transiting aspects that the moon forms to other planets which can add a different dimension and change the overall energies of the sign. Another potential influence is the moon's void of course. The void of course and moon phase is included with today's moon sign shown on this page. Feel free to read the "What is a void of course moon" article to learn more about VoC influence.