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Scorpio Full Moon

April 23, 2024


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Full Moon
in: Scorpio 4°
April 23, 2024 @ 11:49 pm GMT
April 23, 2024 @ 04:49 pm PDT -7
Sun is Taurus, 4° 18'
Moon is Scorpio, 4° 18'

This full moon is frequently known as the Pink Moon, possibly for all the pink spring blossoms. Now that the two eclipses are behind us, we are probably settling into a new normal.

The Sun in Taurus is opposing the Moon in Scorpio while forming a T-square to Pluto in Aquarius. With Pluto involved, there may be some aggression in our lives. We may be impulsive verbally and physically, that can aggravate emotions to the point of altercations. We may feel stifled by our own opinions, or balk at suggestions offered by others. In general, we are not likely to be a fun person to be around. On the bright side, we are not the only ones who are going to be difficult to be around. Our best options may involve staying in the background and avoiding confrontations. Generally, spending time alone or staying under the radar.

Mercury is still transiting retrograde in Aries, but will be stationing direct on April 25. By now, we should pretty much know which situations to avoid, and which we can work our way through with a little persistence. In a few days, we will be back to problem solving without feeling like we need three extra backup plans in order to complete a basic task.

Mars in Pisces is sextile to the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus. This connection may leave us feeling somewhat jittery. The nature of Mars in Pisces tends to cause feelings of restlessness and, at times, anxiety. It can be a period of just doing something, for the sake of getting something, anything, accomplished. The sextiles are likely to expand on the restlessness, but can also cause us to look at the situation differently, if we choose. It may not fix any problems, but it can help us to develop a better sense of understanding. Mars is also moving into a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Be alert to illusions or unnecessary distractions, at least until Mars moves into Aries in a week.

Jupiter's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus has the potential to amplify our desires for success and material gains. We may need to settle for less than we feel we want. But, suddenly finding what we actually need is a real possibility while Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct.

Neptune in Pisces is still forming an out-of-sign sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. Tinges of "psychic awareness" are possible, but more likely to be felt as bouts of confusion. It can be difficult to discern what is real and what is fantasy, or what is useful and what is frivolous.

This full moon chart is heavy with feminine receptive placements, which, in truth, may help us to find self-soothing behaviors, rather than lashing out unnecessarily. A lot will depend upon our self-awareness within a situation. With only one planet placed in the Air element signs, we are less likely to rely on logic, and more likely to rely on our instincts. Not necessarily a bad way to react, but may come across as hostile. We may feel struck with bad karma for the day, or at the very least, being shadowed by a black cloud.

Meditation for the April 23rd Full Moon
There is a place to be alone.

© J. McCaul - Lunar Living Astrology, 2024 (All Rights Reserved)

1) Goldschneider, G.  1994, The secret language of birthdays, New York, NY; London, Engl.: Victoria, Austr.: Auckland, NZ., Penguin Studio Books.

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Chart for April 23, 2024

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